Sunday, February 3, 2013

Blog Post #3

Peer Editing

I think giving or taking criticism is not anyone's favorite thing to do. However, as teachers, we will experience both often. It is definitely a skill worth cultivating. I remember doing peer reviews in high school. Overall, it was a positive experience. I'm sure I have forgotten a few things since then, so this was a good reminder. I think it can be helpful to read something twice, once for content, and once for errors. Sometimes you can get caught up looking for errors and miss out on what is positive. I was reminded to look past just the grammar and also focus on clarity and organization. I appreciated the examples of compliments such as "my favorite part was _____ because.....".

Though I would never wish to embarrass anyone, given the nature of this class I think it is more helpful to everyone if the critiques are given as a comment to the blog, as opposed to privately. We can all learn from each other. Mistakes happen. Take them as a teaching moment. My assigned classmate's blog had a spelling error, which Dr. Strange had already pointed out. Honestly, I posted my comment before reading the blog assignment, so I did not make suggestions for details, organization, etc. Instead I focused more on the content. Moving forward I will do both. I admit that I don't look forward to it, but I appreciate that this is a skill that I would do well to develop.

To no surprise I had never heard of the Mountbatten. This device allows a vision impaired person to create braille while simultaneously hearing what they are typing. It has the ability to save data, as well as, send or receive data from a computer.  The Mountbatten can be used to bridge the gap when the teacher and/or peers do not know braille. I can see how this would be an invaluable device for inclusion. This would be particularly important for vision impaired students who did not have access to or the wish to go to a special school. I would welcome any technology into my classroom that would assist me in providing the best learning experience possible for my students.

Assistive Technologies
The assistive technologies that are available today are truly amazing. As a sighted person, who takes her sight for granted, it never occurred to me how difficult it might be to learn even basic math. Art Karshmer's grid design is amazing in it's simplicity. Frankly, I'm not sure why someone didn't come up with it sooner. I can see how his design will make it possible for vision impaired students to excel in math, therefore opening the door for careers that might have previously been out of reach. I had no idea the iPad had such capabilities. An iPad could have most everything that a student could need, sighted or not.

I believe that an inclusive classroom is becoming more of the norm every day, as well it should be. We should be prepared to assist our students in reaching their goals regardless of their challenges. One of the best ways we will be able to do this is through technology. It will be amazing to see how much more is available even by the time I am done with school. I can't wait to see what comes next.

Harness Your Student's Digital Smarts
Vicki Davis is truly an innovative teacher. She uses a wide range of technology to enhance her students' learning experience. Her goal is to teach her students how to learn. If her students don't know what something means she expects them to try and find the answer. She customizes her teaching approach to the students' strengths and interests. Even though she is in a rural setting she has opened up her students to new perspectives and possibilities. Her students are collaborating with others from around the world.

I think one of the most important things that Vicki Davis said was that " when you have only pencil and only paper, then only certain types of students are going to succeed". This is one of the best arguments for integrating technology into the classroom. All students do not learn in the same manner. Technology can and should be used to connect to every kind of student. Her students are having enriching experiences that definitely could not occur with the use of just pencil and paper.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Blog Post #2

Did You Know?
In the video Did You Know? 3.0-A John Strange 2012 Version, it discussed how the United States is being outnumbered by both India and China in terms of English speaking people and high achieving students. On-line applications, such as Google and You Tube have changed the way we access and share information. The current generation uses and has access to technology at a level that has never previously existed and is expanding rapidly. The job market they will encounter will look very different than the one of today. Outsourcing is going to become a increasing problem.

I was aware of the importance and daily usage of technology, but not the broad scope of the use. I don think it is important for our students to be technologically literate to be competitive in the job market they will encounter. However, I do find it important to balance technology with personal interaction. I think it is too easy to lose, or never gain, interpersonal communication skills when your default is to send a text or an email.  Speaking face to face is a skill just the same as using technology. I think they both have value and merit. Both should be developed and utilized. One need not suffer for the other.

Mr. Winkle Wakes
Mr. Winkle Wakes by Mathew Needleman makes the point that classrooms of today are not keeping up with, nor utilizing the technologies available. School is depicted as having changes very little over the last century. Obviously our schools have changed over the last century, but definitely not at the rate of everything else, namely technology.

If you have children I think you will often find that your children are more technologically literate than you are. I know this to be the case at my house. It is the norm for them. Change can be hard. It causes people to move out of their comfort zone. To prepare our students adequately, we as teachers, must step out of our comfort zones and embrace the changes that have already and will continue to occur.

The Importance of Creativity
In The Importance of Creativity, Sir Ken Robinson discusses the importance of fostering creativity in our children. Our current education system does not stress the importance of creativity or the arts. Schools often seek to encourage students to conform to a rigid set of ideals. I particularly enjoyed his example of the choreographer who, as a child, had a difficult time in a traditional school setting. She excelled in a dance school setting and went on to be extraordinarily successful. Staying in a traditional school setting may not have led her to the same destination.

I think that teaching and learning is definitely not one size fits all. Students learn in different ways and have varying interests. Creativity can come in many forms, not just the classic example of the arts. You can be creative in science, history, etc. Fostering a child's creativity is also fostering their desire to learn.
Pinterest Boards I'm Following

Pinterest is amazing! Where has it been all my life? I could easily have gotten sucked in for hours. I will definitely be using Pinterest for both my personal and professional life.

After watching Four Ways To Use Pinterest In Education I don't know why anyone would not want to use Pinterest in the classroom. The ideas for lesson plans are endless. It would also be a great way to organize them. I am a clipper and a saver. Just think of all the paper clippings I could avoid. As a parent I definitely liked the idea of the boards that are shared with students and parents. What a great communication tool. I also think that you could tailor it to any grade for collaborative projects.

I would almost have to say that I would want to follow all of the boards, but after some review I did narrow it down to some favorites. Patricia Brown's had great variety and was full of classroom and technology use ideas. Teacher Vision had an abundance of tech help on everything from Google to Twitter to I-Pads. Kathy Schrock"s guide to everything was really just that. Eric Scheniger's was Twitter paradise. Edudemic has links to 1,000 educational websites. You can't go wrong with that. Charity Preston's was geared specifically to elementary education. Lastly, Debbie Fucoloro's is geared to beginners, which I definitely am.

I think I will use Pinterest in a variety of ways in my classroom. Obviously it will be a great tool for lesson plans. I love the idea of having a board as a communication tool with parents. Boards can also be used to show off students work. Collaborative projects can be done both at school and at home. The ideas are endless. I'm looking forward to starting my collection of ideas. I should have a pretty good stash by the time I get a classroom.